The Home Guard is part of Denmark's overall readiness in the event of national crises and disasters. The military force consists mainly of volunteer soldiers, and its command is governed by the Ministry of Defence.


The tasks are varied, but our principal objective is to support the armed forces with their training, exercises and deployments, but we also support the police and the tax and custom authorities, and we may deliver that support be it at land, at sea and from the sky.


When supplying support, we have not only thousands of well-trained volunteer soldiers at our disposal across the country, but also many vehicles, a number of vessels and two small airplanes. Our soldiers are based all over Denmark, and are ready to support and defend the country at short notice.


In general, our soldiers deliver around 2,5million labour hours each year in doing so. Without being paid.


These hours include training, exercises and deployments and they cover short-term activities as well as long-term, permanent tasks such as guarding the Danish waters, as well as being deployed overseas, as soldiers from our sqaudron have been recently in Sicily in Italy for FRONTEX, (European Border and Coast Guard Agency).


For the Home Guard in general, the new security situation developed over recent years has entailed a number of new tasks, such as host nation support, where we are intrinsically involved with the reception of NATO allied forces and material when it is transported through Denmark.


  • The Danish Home Guard consists of three specialized guards: the Army Home Guard, the Marine Home Guard and the Air Force Home Guard
  • In total, they have just over 13,400 active volunteers and 30,000 in the reserve force
  • The volunteer soldiers must be ready for deployment at all times, so training and exercise activities have top priority
Last updated August 26, 2024 - 09:10