Contact information for the data protection officer

If you have any questions about the Danish Home Guard Command's processing of your personal data, please do not hesitate to contact the Danish Home Guard Command's Data Protection Officer via e-mail:


Purposes of the legal basis for the processing of your personal data
Danish Home Guard Command will process your personal data for the following purposes:

- To enable us to process your enquiry to Danish Home Guard Command
- To enable us to process enquiries efficiently and keep track of which enquiries have been processed, including for use in searching for previous communications.


The legal basis for the Danish Home Guard Command’s processing of your personal data is in regulation with:
- General Data Protection Regulation, Art. 6, 1 (c) and (e).
- General Data Protection Regulation, Art. 9, 2 (f).
- Danish Data Protection Act, section 8.
- Danish Data Protection Act, section 11.


Research and statistics

Authorities of the Ministry of Defence also process personal data for the purpose of science, statistics or historical research. The processed data is mainly anonymous data, but in some cases data will be able to identify individuals, directly or indirectly. The process will be carried out in accordance with section 10 of the Danish Data Protection Act.


Categories of personal data

The personal data that the Danish Home Guard Command processes about you are ordinary personal data including your contact information and any other personal data that you have provided in connection with your enquiry to Danish Home Guard Command e.g. special categories of personal data.


Recipients or categories of recipients

When it is necessary in relation your inquiry, Danish Home Guard Command will share your personal data with the other relevant authorities of the Ministry of Defence. In the event your enquiry is not addressed to the appropriate authority, Danish Home Guard Command will forward your inquiry to the appropriate authority in accordance with Section 7 of the Public Administration Act.


Period for which the personal data will be stored

Documents that include personal data are registered in accordance with the Access to Public Administration Files Act and handed to the archive authorities in accordance with The Archives Act (approximately every 5 years).


Duties and consequences

It is a prerequisite for Danish Home Guard Command that we can process your personal data in relation to your enquiry. You are not required to provide your personal data to Danish Home Guard Command, but you should be aware that it may affect the answer of your inquiry if your personal data cannot be processed.


Your rights

Under the General Data Protection Regulation you have a number of rights in respect to the Danish Home Guard Command's processing of your personal data. If you want to exercise your rights, you must contact Danish Home Guard Command. You can also read more about your rights at the Danish Data Protection Agency’s website:


Right to view information (Right of access)

You are entitled to access the data that DDanish Home Guard Command processes about you, as well as certain information about the Danish Home Guard Command's processing of your data.


Right to rectification (Correction)

You are entitled to have incorrect data about you corrected.


Right to restriction of processing

In certain cases, you are entitled to have the processing of your personal data restricted. If you are entitled to restricted processing, Danish Home Guard Command is then only permitted to process your personal data with your consent, unless the purpose of the processing is to establish, defend or exercise a legal claim, or to protect a person or important public interests. Danish Home Guard Command may, however, continue to store your personal data.


Right to object

In certain cases, you are entitled to object the Danish Home Guard Command's otherwise lawful processing of your personal data.


How to complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency

You have the right to lodge a complaint to the Danish Data Protection Agency if you are dissatisfied with the manner in which the Danish Home Guard Command's is processing your personal data. You will find contact information for the Danish Data Protection Agency here:

Last updated September 16, 2024 - 09:22